I was long in search of that parameter albeit may be partially subconsciously. In big scale, this same parameter, whatever really it may be, must be behind the famous Mahajan brother murder case, the Ambani-brothers feud, the amazing Priyamvada Birla will – independent of whatever the case-to-case special reasons may be. When a case becomes big, or when it is related to big people, it comes to our common notice. But, nevertheless, the underlying parameter is equally active among small people and/ or small issues with both its positive and negative implications. So, at least for having greater control over its negative implications, we must know the parameter.
I say, widely drawn first-hand statistics is my philosophy, and my philosophy is widely drawn first-hand statistics. This is derived from the confidence that a repeatedly confirmed direct observation is superior to any number of theories, their interpolations, extrapolations, beliefs and centuries-old traditions – all taken together, particularly when these oppose a repeatedly confirmed direct observation. Any theory is like a stick in the blind man’s hand. It is repeatedly confirmed direct observation that serves as eyes. Also, a theory can be knowingly temporary for integral representation of a current but unconfirmed understanding.
For analysis of human relations, one has to avoid, to an extent, analyzing one’s own relations especially one’s own blood-relations (and in-laws relations). This is to avoid any emotional interference in the study. However, the result of the analysis can be sensibly applied to blood-relations and in-laws relations also. Also, to have common objective conclusion(s), one has to have access to data, of type either derived or incidentally identified. The objective nature of the conclusion is important to have minimal dependence on case-to-case interpretations.
With this approach, I myself have found the underlying common objective parameter that guides human relations. I named the parameter as Cult, which is defined by the combination of bloodgroups of Husband and Wife of a family unit. Depending upon the combination of bloodgroups of Husband and Wife, - the family unit (i.e. both husband and wife) is determined to belong to a particular cult. Even though there are four bloodgroups, and thereby there are sixteen (4x4=16) combinations of bloodgroups of husband-wife, yet these sixteen combinations are super-grouped, based on observation, into only three cults. To start with, I named these three cults as Triangle, Circle and Square, simply because I used these three geometrical figures to mark the three cults on the chart of bloodgroup combinations of Husband and wife. Unmarried persons have no settled cult, though they may be prone to be of one of these three cults. The bloodgroup combinations for three different cults are explained through the following chart:

1st letter(s) in a cell : Husband’s Blood group
2nd letter(s) in a cell : Wife’s Blood group
N.B. Both husband and wife in a family belong to the same cult. To know your family’s cult, spot the cell representing your family’s combination of blood groups, and see what symbol it is marked by: Triangle, square or Circle, which will be the symbolic name of your own and your wife’s cult! But don’t miss the point that, in the chart, 1st letter(s) is Husband’s and 2nd letter(s) is wife’s bloodgroup.
Please note that bloodgroup is a bio-chemical parameter that is independent of another bio-chemical parameter called Rh-factor, +ve or –ve. Similarly, please note that my study involves personal Bloodgroup, but does not involve the personal Rh-factor. In simple words, e.g. B+ and B- are considered same for the purpose of determination of cult.
In my vocabulary, two same-cult persons will mean two persons of two different families, both families being of the same cult. Likewise, two different-cult persons will mean two persons of two different families, the two families being of different cults.
Towards development of the cult theory, my fundamental observation was that the relation between two same-cult persons never breaks, and survives though all ups and downs, whereas the relation between two different-cult persons breaks without any appreciable reasons. Let us name the former relation as homogeneous relation and the later one as heterogeneous. The more two heterogeneously related persons try to come mutually closer, the more severely and quickly the relation bursts. So, the guide to avoid relation-bursts is: Keep a wise distance from different cult persons, however close blood-relation/ acquaintance he/ she may be. Here, the ‘wise’-word is important as explained below:
Suppose, you want to avoid a person of very close acquaintance, and you are crossing each other in a lonely lane. In order to avoid him, whether you should say ‘hello’ to him - is the fundamental question. If you give a casual smile and say ‘hello’ to him and pass by, you have successfully and truly avoided him. On the other hand, if you do not show up even a minimal reaction, the event will raise such a storm for sometime in both minds that it would not be called ‘avoiding’, but ‘interacting’. This way, interactions with heterogeneous relations, including heterogeneous blood-relations, should be modulated. This is the first formula for happy living.
For very close but heterogeneous relations, the good way is to tell them your above understanding of life in minimal words, so that you do not hurt them too much in trying to avoid them; or you can communicate with a pamphlet containing the matter of this article.
There being altogether three cults, every cult has two heterogeneously related cults. Further study shows that the degree of heterogeneity of the two heterogeneously related cults are not same, but distinctly varied. For example, the Square cult is much more heterogeneous to Triangle cult, than the Circle cult is to Triangle cult.
Some confidence-building explanations:
Individual blood-group is an obvious natural distinction of an individual, representing one of the four depths of personal mental residence [as I found through my another study which is on: Correspondence between human’s Bloodgroup and his natural mental instinct]. But the underlying direction of approach to life and work is represented by the combination of blood-group of one’s own and that of one’s close companion (spouse). Different ‘directions’ (I named them cults) can never gainfully combine, but different ‘depths’ (blood-groups) can; – this explains existence of less than 16 (=4x4) cults. By observation I found, there are mutually-exclusively-resonating three (Circle, Square and Triangle as explained above) cults in all.
Due to ignorance, this natural division of human’s underlying approach to life and work had so far been manifested in the form of differences, incorrectly in the name of race, region, religion in the macro level. In micro level, it is manifested in the form of inability to gainfully combine on the part of even near-members of family trees, wherein an initial economic inequality only-showed/ surfaced the difference, but could not cause it; because economy, when alone, is too powerless to challenge human will to stand tall.
Whenever people of a single cult combined, they effected progress; but whenever, in the natural course, a part of this progress was to be translated into expansion, may it be through employment, recruitment, business partnership or (marriage), it generally caused (confirmed) cross-culture, resulting in (surfacing) distraction, followed by disintegration and downfall. This is completely avoidable either by being within one’s own cult through expansion of any kind, or by distancing all irreversible cross-cultures at any cost.
Natural divisions dissolve all artificial differences; so shall this view of life. In future, it will prove to be a quantum step forward in the evolution of human existence.
Naming the cults:
The best-describing names of the three cults are : Communicative cult, Manipulative cult & Creative cult.
Individual Human Characteristics w.r.t. Bloodgroup
The best-describing words for individual human characteristics (active & passive) w.r.t. Bloodgroup are :

N.B. If one exerts too much of result, then relation suffers proportionately, and vice versa. So, if result and relation are assumed to be like the two poles of a magnet, then principle is both of these, and service is none of these. Thus priciple-orientedness is a fundamental leadership quality.
Depth of Individual mental residences, and Direction of approach to life and work
Depth of Individual mental residence is represented by bloodgroups, and Direction of approach to life and work depends upon the combination of bloodgroups of self and spouse. Following figure shows how a given bloodgroup can be of different cults, depending upon his/ her spouse’s bloodgroup. In the figure below, please note that first bloodgroup of any pair of bloodgroups is of husband, and second one is wife’s.

Way to corruption-free society
Distinct from description/ presentation/ explanation/ translation/ derivation/ coordination/ interpretation/ interpolation/ extrapolation, - MANIPULATION is either intentionally-incorrect or randomly produced version of any of these, whereas MISTAKE is unintentionally-incorrect version of the same. While creation is the basis of existence as well as its continuation, manipulation is lack of creation. That’s how the creative and the manipulative cults are mutually immiscible in a given module of work.
Manipulative attitude is one of the THREE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE BASIC TRAITS in humans, the other two being communicative and creative attitudes. The mutual exclusiveness of these traits makes a human have either one of these three attitudes, NOT two or all of these.
The mutually exclusiveness of these attitudes also suggests that to eradicate manipulation from a container entity, one has to REMOVE THE MANIPULATING INDIVIDUAL ITSELF from at least controlling the entity at any level.
Identification of a manipulating person need not wait for a post-incident analysis following a debilitating action of his, but can be done pre-incident. Cult theory helps this pre-incident identification. In this matter, only PRE-INCIDENT IDENTIFICATION OF MANIPULATORS is meaningful, or else post-incident removal of one manipulator will practically mean replacement of one manipulator by another manipulator, and thereby the container entity gets unendingly rotten and rotten leading to its sure death, because unrestricted manipulators always have greater individual strength and thereby appear more promising, as manipulation, their sole job, is easier than creation.
WHEN MANIPULATION IS DONE WITH MONEY MATTERS, IT IS CALLED CORRUPTION which is the most debilitating aspect of human existence around the world. This debilitation is visible in developing democracies, apparently managed by developed democracies by organizing to export it, apparently managed by communism by enforcing to digest it, while in dictatorship, after initial euphoria, it is allowed to slowly approach and consume the power pyramid, until naturally it consumes the very seat of power. Unless this debilitation is arrested by marginalizing manipulation, consumption of the seat of power is the ultimate result, irrespective of the form of power. For example, in the US, government’s initiatives on health will always fail against private initiatives for business on health – always, because perfect solution to health dissolves all health businesses, which will always be sustained through manipulation. Because health is invariably an evolutionary process, - evolving either towards extinction or towards superiority of life -, there can be no permanent solution to health but the perfect solution, which will always be eclipsed by manipulation. So, unless manipulation is marginalized, humanity is heading towards extinction, but before that happens the very form of power obviously will take the beating first. However, wisdom expressed through this article, can help any form of power survive by riding the human existential evolution through marginalization of manipulation. And, like terrorism, manipulation also cannot be nurtured only for internal control of one’s own organization, or only to act against foreign entities/ nations.
Now, what about clearing manipulation only of health sector? Its answer basically is as indicated at end of the last paragraph. However, the minute dynamics is as follows: Health is the corner stone of our existence. With general public health wanting, manipulators have the competitive edge, as manipulation is easier than creation. But, with general public heath adequate, creative people have the edge for obvious reasons. So, in the environment of adequate public heath, manipulation for its survival becomes far more aggressive and open, requiring its marginalization more aggressive and open too.
Marriage is the entry point to cult. A male or female individual of any bloodgroup can set himself/ herself earn any of the three mutually exclusive basic traits by suitably selecting his/ her life partner. So, futuristic perfect solution for a corruption free society is to educate people about the cult theory and its implication.
Roasting/ cooking of food provided a switching effect in the evolution of apes to man, and the switching action being instantaneous, there could not be found an evidence of a (missing) link. Now, pre-emptive marginalization of manipulation, using the cult theory, is destined to provide another switching effect in the further evolution of humans on earth. To start with, this switching action is possible informally at the (creative) individual level, and/ or formally at the group/ entity level.
Apart from personally acting on, highlighting/ advancing this fact can be conscious and pivotal mission of any one’s life to sustain one’s life's meaningfulness/ effectiveness intact, and whatever else one consciously do may directly or indirectly be meant to support/ sustain it. Because this fact of immiscibility of the creative with the manipulative lies at the juncture that is simultaneously at downstream of truth and fact, and at upstream of multiple lines of meaningful actions.